Category: Featured
How to Avoid Credit Card Chargebacks
This article submit by How To Accept Credit Cards Online. A credit card chargeback no doubt hurts the owner of a business. Say a customer walks into your store and makes a purchase with their credit card. They take their merchandise and leave the store. Then they get their credit card statement and do not…
Merchant Account Basics You Should Know
Article Written by : Manufacturing Stoke New business owners often believe that getting a merchant account can be confusing and a bit overwhelming. But there are three basics that you need to know before getting an account. You need to know what a merchant account is, who offers an account and how much it will…
How to Reassure Your Customer Their Payment is Secure
In this day and age with everything going digital, customer are very much concerned about fraud, more specifically credit card fraud. If you are a merchant with a merchant account that allows you to take credit or debit card payments, you will have customers that are concerned about their privacy. You, as a merchant, will…